Below you will find some articles from the Department of Internal Health on "European Public Health".
They will give you a short overview whar European Public Health is about.
The department is leading in and outside Maastricht University in conceptualizing the European perspective towards health.
The following key research themes have been identified:
- Public Health in Europe
- European Integration in Public Health
- Global Health Europe
These are moderated by the processes of:
- Europeanization
- European Integration
“Public Health in Europe” describes the different Health Systems in Europe, analyses their performance, tries to find best practice solutions and how to transfer examples of good practice from one Member State to another.
“European Integration in Public Health” concentrates on European solutions of health problems which involve several Member States or are a cross cutting issue.
“Global Health Europe” looks at Europe a zone that has to interact with the outside world.
While "European Integration" describes the process of integrating states into the European Union, "Europeanization" offers the possibility to study the development of institutions of governance at the European level.